Monday, April 23, 2007

The Brightest Light Attracts the Biggest Bugs

Every year at the church we hold a Men's Conference/Retreat. We were blessed this year to have Dr. Art Azurdia be our guest to exhort us from the Word of God. Dr. Azurdia is a professor at Western Seminary here in Portland, Oregon. He is a gifted preacher and a friend. If you have not had an opportunity to be blessed by Art's preaching I would encourage you to visit his website and take a listen. You can find the link in "recommended sites." His site is "Spirit Empowered Preaching." The three messages that he delivered were phenomenal and will be available at to listen to within a couple of days. Check them out, you will be blessed.

In one of the messages that was given, Art was talking about churches experiencing difficulty and persecution for the proclamation of the gospel and the clear exposition of the Word of God. The phrase he used that continues to resonate in my head is, as the post indicates, the brightest light attracts the biggest bugs. So I write this as an encouragement to those who are preaching their hearts out and by God's grace leading the church according to the Scriptures, and experiencing persecution, internal resistance, and external insults.

All people have an aversion to pain. I think we can all face the reality that none of us like being hurt, whether physically or emotionally. But, the reality of the matter is life involves pain. As Christians, our lives may involve more pain than the ordinary Joe on the street who lives his life according to his own wants and likes without a care for any one else. It seems though that much time and energy is spent either trying to avoid pain, either physical or emotional, or if one does experience pain much time is spent trying to anesthetize that pain. When pain comes into our lives, our knee-jerk response is something is wrong. I have done something wrong. This is, in my opinion, most true with emotional pain; the kind of heavy pressure that one feels in the midst of persecution, specifically.

I would put forth this premise: Sometimes the pain that is experienced, the pressure that is felt, in gospel ministry is because we are doing something right. When we feel pain, the first thing we want to do is alleviate it, so we may be tempted to stop plowing ahead in authentic gospel ministry as to stop the pain. However, I would point us to the words of the apostle Peter:

Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. (1 Peter 3:12-14, ESV)

Or the apostle Paul:

For we do not want you to be ignorant, brothers, of the affliction we experienced in Asia. Fro we were so utterly burdened beyond our strength that we despaired of life itself. Indeed, we felt that we had received the sentence of death. But that was to make us rely no on ourselves bu ton God who raises the dead. (2 Cor. 1:8-9, ESV).

Friends, as Peter says, we should not be surprised at any fiery trial that comes upon us. The brightest light will always attract the biggest bugs. Those who stand for righteousness will be persecuted for righteousness sake. Those who stand for the gospel, the true gospel, will be persecuted for the gospel's sake. Those who stand for Christ will be persecuted for Christ's sake.

The apostle Paul writes to young Timothy: "Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evil people and imposters will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from who you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus" (2 Tim. 3:12-15, ESV).

Friends, despite the difficulty and our own sinful inclination to bow to internal or external pressure, we must heed the words of the apostle Paul to Timothy. "But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed." Those big bugs will be attracted to the light. And, sometimes, they are really a nuisance. Understand, that the Lord blesses true gospel ministry and it is the true gospel ministry that has the greatest impact in the advancement of the Kingdom. That same bright light God will use to draw His people and by God's grace they will be saved and come to faith in Christ Jesus.

Let us continue to be faithful stewards who will not bow the knee except to the Lordship of Christ alone.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Upcoming Stuff

I am holding off on posting for a couple of days. I am in the process of writing a lengthy treatment on the covenant of redemption. I will post as a multi-part series when I am done.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Does the Resurrection Prove Particular Redemption?

The topic of Limited Atonement, or better termed "Particular Redemption," has the ability to provoke the most ardent and sometimes hostile discussions. But to those who trust in the accomplished work on the cross, the trust that redemption was actually accomplished, and not just the theoretical possibility of redemption, particular redemption is the most comforting, most gracious, most loving, and most confident doctrine in which one can stand.

We, I think, can all agree that everyone limits the atonement. Either it is limited in its effect or in its extent. Either that atonement is limited in what it accomplishes, that is it does not really secure salvation for anyone, but only makes it potentially available should the person respond in faith or perhaps more accurately not resist the grace of God as it is extended to all. Or the atonement actually does secure the redemption of individuals, but only those in the eternal counsel of God, who chose to redeem our of His divine love, divine mercy, and divine goodness, which are all seen in His sovereign grace to sinners. Which we could then say limits the extent of the atonement. It is extended and is efficacious only to the elect.

Michael Horton writes, "To affirm a universal atonement, then, one is left with only two options: either to limit the atonement in its effect - that is, what it really accomplishes - or accept at face value the clear teaching of Scripture regarding the nature of redemption by embracing universal salvation. In other words, if Christ's death secured the redemption, propitiation, and satisfaction of divine justice on behalf of each and every individual, we must either affirm that each and every individual will therefore be saved since the atonement is effective in nature or that the work of Christ itself must be limited in its scope. Otherwise it is limited in its nature" (Putting Amazing Back Into Grace, pg. 137).

Loraine Boettner also chimes in on this: "The nature of a ransom is such that when paid and accepted it automatically frees the persons for whom it was intended. Otherwise it would not be a true ransom. Just demands that those for whom it is paid shall be freed from any further obligation. If the suffering and death of Christ was a ransom for all men rather then for the elect only then the merits of His work must be communicated to all alike and the penalty of eternal punishment cannot be justly inflicted on any. God would be unjust if He demanded this extreme penalty twice over, first from the substitute and then from the persons themselves. The conclusion then is that the atonement of Christ does not extend to all men but that it is limited to those for whom He stood surety; that is, to those who compose His true Church" (The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination, pg. 155).

Surely when we discuss and debate the atonement, we argue and look to the nature of the work of Christ on the cross and also look to the justice of God, as Boetner notes above. But, does the resurrection also prove particular redemption?

What moved me to ponder again this beautiful doctrine is reading the fourth chapter of the book of Romans. And what, in particular, that prompted me to pose this question is the statement that Paul makes in verse 25 of this magnificent book. "Who was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification" (Rom. 4:25, ESV).

As you well know, chapter 4 is Paul's wonderful treatise on justification by faith. In this chapter he uses Abraham as the example of justification by faith versus works. In verse 20 Paul states, "No distrust made him (Abraham) waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith and gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised." Then he quotes from Genesis regarding the statement that Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness. This, Paul states, was written not only for Abraham's sake, but for ours also. And the bottom line is found in verse 24. "It will be counted to us who believe in him who raised from the dead Jesus our Lord." To those of us who believe the promises of God, who raised Christ from the dead, we will be counted as righteousness. Essentially speaking of the doctrine of justification by faith alone.

So here again I come back to the question. Does Christ's resurrection prove particular redemption? Paul states that He (Christ) was delivered up for our trespasses. That is to say, He was crucified in order that He would satisfy the justice of God and to pay a ransom for our sin. But Paul does not stop there. Christ was raised for our justification. Paul is saying that the resurrection is the proof that Christ's sacrifice was sufficient in that it accomplished all that it was intended to accomplish. Justification was secured for the elect. The resurrection shows this. Therefore, would it not stand to reason that Christ did not die and therefore was not resurrected for those who would never be justified? And therefore the atonement was limited to those whom God graciously chose to save.

Elsewhere Paul states that "those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, an those whom he justified he also glorified" (Rom. 8:30, ESV). Those whom God predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, God will call, and those whom are are called, will be justified. This also notes a particular redemption because the gospel call goes out to all of mankind (often called the external call) so not all that called (externally) will be justified. Only those who are called by the mysterious, secret working of the Holy Spirit will be justified. It was only these who Christ died for and it is only these whom His resurrection makes certain their justification.

Therefore, it would stand to reason that Christ's resurrection as well shows the particular redemption of a people who God, before the foundation of the world, set His sovereign, gracious, and effectual love upon. It is this confident understanding that, in Christ, we have assurance of the forgiveness of sins and assurance of recieving the inheritance that is stored up for us, and assurance of an eternity spent serving and worshipping the God who is. To God alone be the glory and in Christ alone is redemption.

Friday, April 13, 2007

What Are You Expecting?

I was reading Calvin's Institutes last night and in Book 3, chapter 2 he has an extensive discussion on faith. I will share with you this most profound (among many I realize) portion of Calvin's writings on this.

Faith does not promise us length of days, riches, and honors (the Lord not having been pleased that any of these should be appointed us); but is contented with the assurance, that however poor we may be in regard to present comforts, God will never fail us. The chief security lies in the expectation of future life, which is placed beyond doubt by the Word of God.

It is as if Calvin had poked his head into the state of 21st century "evangelicalism" and served up this little reminder for many. How many methods of evangelism or "gospel" messages do we see that seems to make faith in Christ, or even sometimes with the exclusion of Christ, the cure all to life's problems. It is the "Your Best Life Now" mentality. To me it is no wonder American Christianity is in the state it is in. Because if Christian's pander a "best life now" message, what hope is there? For many this life is not that wonderful and if this life is all that Christians are selling as the "Good News," then it's really not that good.

I continue to be impressed by what the apostle Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 4. "So we do not lose heart. Though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day. For this slight momentary affliction is preparing for us and eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. Fro the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal" (2 Cor. 4:16-18, ESV).

Paul enters into this wonderful little comparison and contrast. And the whole purpose of why he does this is to in some degree explain why he does not lose heart in the midst of terrible afflictions and sufferings that he endures in the ministry of the gospel. And this small passage deals with expectation. What are you expecting? If you expecting the temporal, focus your eyes on the eternal, because that is what is permanent.

I want to simply hone in on the portion of this where Paul compares his present sufferings to the eternal glory. Notice how he describes his affliction. Two things: "slight" and "momentary." Now notice how he describes the "weight of glory" that is being prepared by this affliction. The glory, in contrast, is "eternal" and it is "beyond all comparison."

The afflictions last only momentarily, only in this life. A Christian is not afflicted in the life to come, but, says Paul, the glory is eternal. It will last forever. It will be enjoyed forever. The afflictions are "slight," but the glory is beyond all comparison. Don't you get the picture of of a set of scales. On the one side is this slight affliction and on the other is the glory beyond all comparison that completely out weighs the affliction.

That is why Paul says he does not lose heart. He is not expecting something from this life that God never promised. Jesus himself said the world persecuted Him and they would persecute those who came after Him.

So if you find yourself hoping in this world and you find yourself disenchanted with this world Paul provides instruction. Focus on the unseen. Focus on the eternal. Look not to the things that you can see because they are transient. They will take flight. They will be gone.

Renew again the blessed expectation of the future life that believers have by going to the Word of God. As Calvin said, "Our chief security lies in the expectation of future life." A believer's glorious resurrection and the bliss of dwelling eternal with the living God and risen Savior. This security is placed beyond doubt by God's Word. Look to it and be refocused. Live this life in the confident hope of the next.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

A Call to Avoid the Malady of Itching Ears

The apostle Paul, so poignantly warns in the verses following the charge to Timothy to "preach the word" of a time that is coming. The signs of this time, Paul warns, is "people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths" (2 Tim. 4:3-4, ESV). That time has come, and has set up camp. The malady of itching ears in pandemic. And, as proclaimers of the truth of the living God, we should not want to be facilitators of any further spread of this disease, but seek to do everything God has commanded us to do in order to beat back the advance of this disease.

I had a conversation with an elder from another church that by his own admission, was seeker-driven, seeker-friendly, and any other seeker-model out there. His concern, as with some of the other elders, was that the people that were a part of the church were not growing as they were being fed the milk of the word week after week and most of the drive and directive of the church was put into programs. He and the other elders felt it was time for a change, it was time to begin to teach the full council of God (praise be to God!). He asked my thoughts. "Be prepared for some to leave. Perhaps many to leave." He was shocked. I explained to him that it is this malady of itching ears. People have come (not all) because they are told what they want to hear. They are given what they want. You have drawn people with flash and pizazz and when that flash and pizazz is no longer the focus, they will find or shall we say accumulate, other teachers who will go back to itching their ears.

Look, the pulpit is a dangerous place. Those who have the itching ear disease will sometimes not wander away from the church, but will stay and attempt to cause havoc as they want to be surrounded by teachers who give them what they want. And if one stays committed to the clear exposition of the word of God, sometimes the itchy ear people will react with hostility. We cannot cower to men. We cannot cower to those who have a disease they may not even know. We have to continue to feed them what will break the stranglehold of the disease and that is the living and active Word of God.

Paul continues in 2 Timothy 4, "As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry" (2 Tim. 4:5, ESV). In spite of those who would come against the sound teaching of the Word of God. In spite of those who may leave because of that same teaching. You, Timothy, keep on preaching. Fulfill the ministry that God has called you to. And why? Because I am already being poured out as a drink offering. Paul says my time is over. I am about to die. You must continue to faithfully exercise the duties of the ministry. I am passing the baton to you.

This, friends, is the same charge to us. The baton has been passed to us by the faithful who have gone before. Where they have given their lives and passed the baton, so it falls to us to carry out the same privilege and honor that was theirs and keep on preaching the inerrant and infallible Word of God.

I close with a quote from John Stott:
There is an urgent need for courageous preachers in the pulpits of the world today, like the apostles of the early church who "were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the Word of God with boldness" (Acts 4:31, 13). Neither men pleasers nor time-servers ever make good preachers. We are called to the sacred task of biblical exposition, and commissioned to proclaim what God has said, not what human beings want to hear. Many moder church-men suffer from a malady called "itching ears," which induces them to accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings (2 Tim. 4:3). But we have no liberty to scratch their itch or pander to their likings.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


This is my first venture into the world of blogging. The improvements will be forth coming to the site. The intention is that each day would be an opportunity to share in a good healthy discussion of Reformed theology and current issues that strike at the heart of historic Christianity. Looking forward to much discussion. Blessings, David.